


AMC VIBRO EXPERTISE TRAINING is a complex training of vibroacoustic methods in machine diagnostics. We offer two training levels:

  • level 1, basic: vibration theory, diagnostic methods, results interpretation;
  • level 2, advanced: methods of vibration signals analysis, type of machines defects, balancing and alignment issues;

Training is organized in cooperation with EC Training Center.

Level 1

The main goal of the course is to pass knowledge of machine damages detection by analyzing vibration signals. During the course, contestants will gain skills at:

  • vibroacoustic theory,
  • data acquisition methods,
  • using of diagnostic tools,
  • results interpretation.

The course is aimed at the people, who have no experience in this area, or who would like to embed their knowledge. We will present possibilities to use vibration-based diagnostics in manufacturing plants, what makes it interesting also for engineers who want to implement vibration measurements in their companies.

Course time: 3 days

Level 2

The main goal of the course is to pass knowledge of machine damages detection by analyzing vibration signals. During the course, contestants will learn:

  • advanced methods of vibration signals analysis,
  • types of machines damages and methods of its identification,
  • balancing and alignment issues.

The course is dedicated for the people who have at least basic knowledge in the area of vibrodiagnostics.

Course time: 3 days


By joining our course, you will get:

  • certificate of participation
  • educational materials (authorial materials based on a educational presentation)
  • office supplies (notepad, pen, workbook)
  • possibility to reserve hotel rooms near the training centre


Interested in our offer?

Write to us

Mateusz Zabaryłło
Mateusz Zabaryłło
+48 662 022 128
+48 (12) 362 97 66

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